In the 1950s, Consolidated Global Motors of the USSR coerced the renowned Italian automobile designer Luigi “Gigi” Segre, known for creating the iconic VW Karmann Ghia, to design a series of car bodies. Only a few vehicles exist. Using the most up-to-date AI and digital software, this collection showcases sightings of the internationally recognized vehicles inspired by the “Ghia” design.
1961 KMM Model – 7LB, affectionately known as the “Slick Bomber” (Lovkiy bombardirovshchik) is pictured on the docks of the Ébrié Lagoon in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
1959 KMM Model -3x Red Coupe and 1957 KMM Model – 4Bingo Green Coupe ensconced beneath the viaducts of Baicului, in the 2nd District, Bucharest, Romania.